t.fixtureCtx Property

Allows you to access the fixture context from test code. Use it to share variables between fixture hook functions and test code.

t.fixtureCtx → Object

Fixture hooks take the ctx parameter that allows you to access the fixture context.

fixture `Fixture1`
    .before(async ctx  => {
        ctx.someProp = 123;
    .after(async ctx  => {
        console.log(ctx.someProp); // > 123

Test code can read the fixture context from t.fixtureCtx, assign values to its properties or add new properties, but it cannot overwrite the entire t.fixtureCtx object.

fixture `Fixture1`
    .before(async ctx  => {
        ctx.someProp = 123;
    .after(async ctx  => {
        console.log(ctx.newProp); // > abc

test('Test1', async t => {
    console.log(t.fixtureCtx.someProp); // > 123

test('Test2', async t => {
    t.fixtureCtx.newProp = 'abc';