Configuration File

TestCafe uses the .testcaferc.json configuration file to store its settings.

Settings you specify when you run TestCafe from the command line and programming interfaces override settings from .testcaferc.json. TestCafe prints information about every overridden property in the console.

Keep .testcaferc.json in the directory from which you run TestCafe. This is usually the project's root directory. TestCafe does not take into account configuration files located in other directories (for instance, project's subdirectories).

A configuration file can include the following settings:

The configuration file supports JSON5 syntax. This allows you to use JavaScript identifiers as object keys, single-quoted strings, comments and other JSON5 features.

You can find a complete configuration file example in our GitHub repository.


Specifies one or several browsers in which test should be run.

You can use browser aliases to specify locally installed browsers.

    "browsers": "chrome"
    "browsers": ["ie", "firefox"]

Use the all alias to run tests in all the installed browsers.

To specify a browser by the path to its executable, use the path: prefix. Enclose the path in backticks if it contains spaces.

    "browsers": "path:`C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe`"

Alternatively, you can pass an object whose path property specifies the path to the browser executable. In this case, you can also provide an optional cmd property that contains command line parameters passed to the browser.

    "browsers": {
        "path": "/home/user/portable/",
        "cmd": "--no-remote"

To run tests in cloud browsers or other browsers accessed through a browser provider plugin, specify the browser's alias that consists of the {browser-provider-name} prefix and the name of a browser (the latter can be omitted); for example, saucelabs:Chrome@52.0:Windows 8.1.

    "browsers": "saucelabs:Chrome@52.0:Windows 8.1"

To run tests in a browser on a remote device, specify remote as a browser alias.

If you want to connect multiple browsers, specify remote: and the number of browsers. For example, if you need to use four remote browsers, specify remote:4.

    "browsers": "remote:4"

You can add postfixes to browser aliases to run tests in the headless mode, use Chrome device emulation or user profiles.

    "browsers": ["firefox:headless", "chrome:emulation:device=iphone X"]

You cannot add postfixes when you use the path: prefix or pass a { path, cmd } object.

CLI: Browser List
API: runner.browsers, BrowserConnection


Specifies files or directories from which to run tests.

TestCafe can run:

  • JavaScript, TypeScript and CoffeeScript files that use TestCafe API,
  • TestCafe Studio tests (.testcafe files),
  • Legacy TestCafe v2015.1 tests.
    "src": "/home/user/tests/fixture.js"
    "src": ["/home/user/auth-tests/fixture.testcafe", "/home/user/mobile-tests/"]

You can use glob patterns to specify a set of files.

    "src": ["/home/user/tests/**/*.js", "!/home/user/tests/foo.js"]

CLI: File Path/Glob Pattern
API: runner.src


Specifies the name of a built-in or custom reporter that should generate test reports.

    "reporter": "list"

This configuration outputs the test report to stdout. To save a report to a file, pass an object whose name property specifies the reporter name and output property specifies the path to the file.

    "reporter": {
        "name": "xunit",
        "output": "reports/report.xml"

You can use multiple reporters, but note that only one reporter can write to stdout. All other reporters must output to files.

    "reporter": [
            "name": "spec"
            "name": "json",
            "output": "reports/report.json"

CLI: -r, --reporter
API: runner.reporter


Allows you to specify the screenshot options.


Specifies the base directory where screenshots are saved.

    "screenshots": {
        "path": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/"

See Screenshots for details.

CLI: --screenshots path
API: runner.screenshots


Specifies that a screenshot should be taken whenever a test fails.

    "screenshots": {
        "takeOnFails": true

Screenshots are saved to the directory specified in the screenshots.path property.

CLI: --screenshots takeOnFails
API: runner.screenshots


Specifies a custom pattern to compose screenshot files' relative path and name.

    "screenshots": {
        "pathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

See Path Pattern Placeholders for information about the available placeholders.

CLI: --screenshots pathPattern
API: runner.screenshots


Specifies that the full page should be captured, including content that is not visible due to overflow.

    "screenshots": {
        "fullPage": true

CLI: --screenshots fullPage
API: runner.screenshots


Prevents TestCafe from taking screenshots.

    "disableScreenshots": true

When this property is specified, screenshots are not taken when a test fails or a screenshot action is executed.

CLI: --disable-screenshots
API:{ disableScreenshots })


Obsolete. Enables screenshots and specifies the base directory where they are saved.

    "screenshotPath": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/"

In v1.5.0 and newer, screenshots are enabled by default and saved to ./screenshots.

To save them to a different location, specify the screenshots.path property:

    "screenshots": {
        "path": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/"

Use the disableScreenshots property to prevent TestCafe from taking screenshots:

    "disableScreenshots": true


Obsolete. Specifies that a screenshot should be taken whenever a test fails.

    "takeScreenshotsOnFails": true

In v1.5.0 and newer, use the screenshots.takeOnFails property:

    "screenshots": {
        "takeOnFails": true


Obsolete. Specifies a custom pattern to compose screenshot files' relative path and name.

    "screenshotPathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

In v1.5.0 and newer, use the screenshots.pathPattern property:

    "screenshots": {
        "pathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"


Enables TestCafe to record videos of test runs and specifies the base directory to save these videos.

    "videoPath": "reports/screen-captures"

See Record Videos for details.

CLI: --video


Specifies options that define how TestCafe records videos of test runs.

    "videoOptions": {
        "singleFile": true,
        "failedOnly": true,
        "pathPattern": "${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4"

See Basic Video Options for the available options.

Use the videoPath option to enable video recording.

CLI: --video-options


Specifies video encoding options.

    "videoEncodingOptions": {
        "r": 20,
        "aspect": "4:3"

You can pass all the options supported by the FFmpeg library. Refer to the FFmpeg documentation for information about the available options.

Use the videoPath option to enable video recording.

CLI: --video-encoding-options


Enables the quarantine mode for tests that fail.

    "quarantineMode": true

CLI: -q, --quarantine-mode
API:{ quarantineMode })


Runs tests in the debugging mode.

    "debugMode": true

See the --debug-mode command line parameter for details.

CLI: -d, --debug-mode
API:{ debugMode })


Specifies whether to automatically enter the debug mode when a test fails.

    "debugOnFail": true

If this option is enabled, TestCafe pauses the test when it fails. This allows you to view the tested page and determine the cause of the fail.

When you are done, click the Finish button in the footer to end test execution.

CLI: --debug-on-fail
API:{ debugOnFail })


Ignores JavaScript errors on a webpage.

    "skipJsErrors": true

When a JavaScript error occurs on a tested web page, TestCafe stops test execution and posts an error message and a stack trace to a report. To ignore JavaScript errors, set the skipJsErrors property to true.

CLI: -e, --skip-js-errors
API:{ skipJsErrors })


Ignores uncaught errors and unhandled promise rejections in test code.

    "skipUncaughtErrors": true

When an uncaught error or unhandled promise rejection occurs on the server during test execution, TestCafe stops the test and posts an error message to a report. To ignore these errors, use the skipUncaughtErrors property.

CLI: -u, --skip-uncaught-errors
API:{ skipUncaughtErrors })


Allows you to specify which tests or fixtures to run. Use the following properties individually or in combination.


Runs a test with the specified name.

    "filter": {
        "test": "Click a label"

CLI: -t, --test
API: runner.filter


Runs tests whose names match the specified grep pattern.

    "filter": {
        "testGrep": "Click.*"

CLI: -T, --test-grep
API: runner.filter


Runs a fixture with the specified name.

    "filter": {
        "fixture": "Sample fixture"

CLI: -f, --fixture
API: runner.filter


Runs tests whose names match the specified grep pattern.

    "filter": {
        "fixtureGrep": "Page.*"

CLI: -F, --fixture-grep
API: runner.filter


Runs tests whose metadata matches the specified key-value pair.

    "filter": {
        "testMeta": {
            "device": "mobile",
            "env": "production"

This configuration runs tests whose metadata's device property is set to mobile, and env property is set to production.

CLI: --test-meta
API: runner.filter


Runs tests whose fixture's metadata matches the specified key-value pair.

    "filter": {
        "fixtureMeta": {
            "device": "mobile",
            "env": "production"

This configuration runs tests whose fixture's metadata has the device property set to mobile and the env property set to the production.

CLI: --fixture-meta
API: runner.filter


Executes the specified shell command before tests are started.

    "appCommand": "node server.js"

Use the appCommand property to launch the application you need to test. This application is automatically terminated after testing is finished.

The appInitDelay property specifies the amount of time allowed for this command to initialize the tested application.

TestCafe adds node_modules/.bin to PATH so that you can use the binaries the locally installed dependencies provide without prefixes.

CLI: -a, --app
API: runner.startApp


Specifies the time (in milliseconds) allowed for an application launched with the appCommand option to initialize.

TestCafe waits for the specified time before it starts the tests.

    "appCommand": "node server.js",
    "appInitDelay": 3000

Default value: 1000

CLI: --app-init-delay
API: runner.startApp


Specifies the number of browser instances that should run tests concurrently.

    "concurrency": 3

TestCafe opens several instances of the same browser and creates a pool of browser instances. Tests are run concurrently against this pool, that is, each test is run in the first free instance.

See Concurrent Test Execution for more information about concurrent test execution.

CLI: -c, --concurrency
API: runner.concurrency


Specifies the time (in milliseconds) within which selectors attempt to obtain a node to be returned. See Selector Timeout for details.

    "selectorTimeout": 3000

Default value: 10000

CLI: --selector-timeout
API:{ selectorTimeout })


Specifies the time (in milliseconds) TestCafe attempts to successfully execute an assertion if a selector property or a client function was passed as an actual value. See Smart Assertion Query Mechanism.

    "assertionTimeout": 1000

Default value: 3000

CLI: --assertion-timeout
API:{ assertionTimeout })


Specifies the time (in milliseconds) passed after the DOMContentLoaded event, within which TestCafe waits for the window.load event to fire.

After the timeout passes or the window.load event is raised (whichever happens first), TestCafe starts the test.

    "pageLoadTimeout": 1000

Default value: 3000

See the command line --page-load-timeout parameter for details.

CLI: --page-load-timeout
API:{ pageLoadTimeout })


Specifies the test execution speed.

Tests are run at the maximum speed by default. You can use this option to slow the test down.

Provide a number between 1 (the fastest) and 0.01 (the slowest).

    "speed": 0.1

Default value: 1

If the speed is also specified for an individual action, the action's speed setting overrides the test speed.

CLI: --speed
API:{ speed })


Injects scripts into pages visited during the tests. Use this property to introduce client-side mock functions or helper scripts.

    "clientScripts": [
            "module": "lodash"
            "path": "scripts/react-helpers.js",
            "page": ""

Inject a JavaScript File

Specify the JavaScript file path to inject the content of this file into the tested pages. You can pass a string or object with the path property.

    "clientScripts": "<filePath>" | { "path": "<filePath>" }
    "clientScripts": [ "<filePath>" | { "path": "<filePath>" } ]
Argument Type Description
filePath String The path to the JavaScript file whose content should be injected.

You cannot combine the path, module and content properties in a single object. To inject multiple items, pass several arguments or an array.

Relative paths are resolved against the current working directory.


    "clientScripts": "assets/jquery.js",
    // or
    "clientScripts": { "path": "assets/jquery.js" }

Inject a Module

Specify the Node.js module's name to inject its content into the tested pages. Use an object with the module property.

    "clientScripts": { "module": "<moduleName>" }
    "clientScripts": [ { "module": "<moduleName>" } ]
Argument Type Description
moduleName String The module name.

You cannot combine the module, path and content properties in a single object. To inject multiple items, pass several arguments or an array.

TestCafe uses Node.js mechanisms to search for the module's entry point and injects its content into the tested page.

Note that the browser must be able to execute the injected module. For example, modules that implement the UMD API can run in most modern browsers.

If the injected module has dependencies, ensure that the dependencies can be loaded as global variables and these variables are initialized in the page's code.


    "clientScripts": {
        "module": "lodash"

Inject Script Code

You can pass an object with the content property to provide the injected script as a string.

    "clientScripts": { "content": "<code>" }
    "clientScripts": [ { "content": "<code>" } ]
Argument Type Description
code String JavaScript that should be injected.

You cannot combine the content, path and module properties in a single object. To inject multiple items, pass several arguments or an array. Example

    "clientScripts": {
        "content": "Date.prototype.getTime = () => 42;"

Provide Scripts for Specific Pages

You can also specify pages into which a script should be injected. This will allow you to mock browser API on specified pages and use the default behavior everywhere else.

To specify target pages for a script, add the page property to the object you pass to clientScripts.

    "clientScripts": {
        "page": "<url>",
        "path": "<filePath>" | "module": "<moduleName>" | "content": "<code>"
    "clientScripts": [
            "page": "<url>",
            "path": "<filePath>" | "module": "<moduleName>" | "content": "<code>"
Property Type Description
url String Specify a page URL to add scripts to a page.

If the target page redirects to a different URL, ensure that the page property matches the destination URL. Otherwise, scripts are not injected.


    "clientScripts": {
        "page": "",
        "content": "Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = () => new Positon(0, 0);"

Note that regular expressions are not supported in the configuration file. Use the runner.clientScripts method or test API methods for fixtures and tests to define target pages with a regular expression.

The fixture.clientScripts and test.clientScripts methods allow you to inject scripts into pages visited during an individual fixture or test.

For more information, see Inject Scripts into Tested Pages.

CLI: --cs, --client-scripts
API: runner.clientScripts

port1, port2

Specifies custom port numbers TestCafe uses to perform testing. The number range is [0-65535].

    "port1": 12345,
    "port2": 54321

TestCafe automatically selects ports if ports are not specified.

CLI: --ports
API: createTestCafe


Specifies your computer's hostname. It is used when you run tests in remote browsers.

    "hostname": ""

If the hostname is not specified, TestCafe uses the operating system's hostname or the current machine's network IP address.

CLI: --hostname
API: createTestCafe


Specifies the proxy server used in your local network to access the Internet.

    "proxy": ""
    "proxy": ""

You can also specify authentication credentials with the proxy host.

    "proxy": ""

CLI: --proxy
API: runner.useProxy


Requires that TestCafe bypasses the proxy server to access the specified resources.

    "proxyBypass": "*"
    "proxyBypass": ["localhost:8080", ""]

See the --proxy-bypass command line parameter for details.

CLI: --proxy-bypass
API: runner.useProxy


Provides options that allow you to establish an HTTPS connection between the client browser and the TestCafe server.

    "ssl": {
        "pfx": "path/to/file.pfx",
        "rejectUnauthorized": true

See the --ssl command line parameter for details.

CLI: --ssl
API: createTestCafe


Enables mechanisms to log and diagnose errors. You should enable this option if you plan to contact TestCafe Support to report an issue.

    "developmentMode": true

CLI: --dev
API: createTestCafe


If you launch TestCafe from the console, this option outputs a QR-code that represents URLs used to connect the remote browsers.

    "qrCode": true

CLI: --qr-code


Stops a test run if any test fails.

    "stopOnFirstFail": true

CLI: --sf, --stop-on-first-fail
API:{ stopOnFirstFail })


Deprecated as of TestCafe v.1.10.0 in favour of the compilerOptions setting.

CLI: --ts-config-path
API: runner.tsConfigPath


Specifies test compilation settings. The current version of TestCafe can only configure the TypeScript compiler.

    "compilerOptions": {
         "typescript": {
              "customCompilerModulePath": "path to custom Typescript compiler module",
              "options": { "experimentalDecorators": "true",  "newLine": "crlf"}

Populate the typescript.options object with TypeScript compiler options.

Set the typescript.configPath parameter to load TypeScript compilation settings from a dedicated tsconfig.json file.

    "compilerOptions": {
         "typescript": { "configPath": "path-to-custom-ts-config.json"}

Set the typescript.compilerModulePath parameter to load an external TypeScript compiler.

   "compilerOptions": {
       "typescript":   { "customCompilerModulePath": "path to custom Typescript compiler module" }

TestCafe resolves user-specified relative paths against the TestCafe installation folder.

CLI: --compiler-options API: runner.compilerOptions


Prevents the browser from caching page content.

    "disablePageCaching": true

When navigation to a cached page occurs in role code, local and session storage content is not preserved. Set disablePageCaching to true to retain the storage items after navigation. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Test Actions Fail After Authentication.

You can also disable page caching for an individual fixture or test.

CLI: --disable-page-caching
API:{ disablePageCaching })


Disables support for multi-window testing.

    "disableMultipleWindows": true

The disableMultipleWindows option disables support for multi-window testing in Chrome and Firefox. Use this setting if you encounter compatibility issues with your existing tests.

CLI: --disable-multiple-windows
API:{ disableMultipleWindows })


Enables colors in the command line.

    "color": true

CLI: --color


Disables colors in the command line.

    "noColor": true

CLI: --no-color